Sunday, December 22

New Delhi : The Ministry of health and family welfare (Mohfw) has decided to constitute a committee of seven membersto prepare the “national drugs database”. The committee will give recommendations and prepare a comprehensive database of drug formulations manufactured and marketed in the country, providing detailed information on a drug, its dosage form, strength, and details of the manufacturer, marketer, or importer of the drug.

The database will not only “empower consumers” but will also improve the “monitoring mechanism” for the quality of drugs in circulation across the country and the “uniform administration” of the regulatory system.The members of the panel include Dr HG Koshia, commissioner of food and drug control administration (FDCA), Gujarat, Dr Pooja Gupta from AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr Jerian Jose, scientist at the Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, DR Gahane, joint commissioner of food and drug administration (FDA), Maharashtra, BT Khanapure, state drugs controller, Karnataka, and Navneet Marwaha, state drugs controller, Himachal Pradesh.AK Pradhan, joint drugs controller of India, will be the convener of the panel.

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