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HomeHealth NewsSwansea University develops diagnostic tool to deliver quick health test results

Swansea University develops diagnostic tool to deliver quick health test results

United Kingdom : Researchers at Swansea University have developed a new diagnostic tool as a proof of concept (PoC) to provide health test results in two minutes. The new tool leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate the identification of biomarkers in biofluids, including blood plasma, synovial fluid, and saliva-containing proteins to diagnose many health conditions.

The scientists believe that the test will help deliver quick test results for health conditions, including Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disorders, and joint quality. The application of machine learning (ML) in the new diagnostic tool is expected to transform the healthcare sector. According to the researchers, current technologies to measure macromolecules in biofluids are not only limited but also need a long turnaround time or even require protocols of complex nature. The researchers expect the diagnostic tool to help in drastically reducing hospital waiting time and enable self-screening and monitoring due to the future potential of at-home diagnostic kits.