New Delhi : In response to a Right to Information (RTI) query filed by Dr. KV Babu, a Kannur-based ophthalmologist, the Union Health Ministry stated that they are not working on a draft legislation bill that addresses the issue of violence against healthcare practitioners.The RTI query enquired about the government’s plans to pursue the draft legislation “The Healthcare Service Personnel and Clinical Establishments (prohibition of violence and damage to property) Bill, 2019. In response, the ministry replied that they have decided not to pursue the legislation. Dr. Babu had first filed the RTI on July 5, to which he received the same reply. On July 27, he filed another RTI following reports that the health ministry was mulling the legislation after the suicide of Dr. Archana Sharma, who was booked in an alleged medical negligence case.
Mohfw : No plan to introduce bill on violence against doctors
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