AYUSH future lies in Global Recognition and mainstreaming with integrative medicine

New Delhi: ‘Future of Ayush lies in Global recognition and Mainstreaming with Integrative Medicine.The involvement of the professionals at IPVCs (Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centers)and PPVCs...
HomeNational Medical CommissionNMC to apply digital signatures on all permissions, recognition letter and appeal...

NMC to apply digital signatures on all permissions, recognition letter and appeal orders

New Delhi : The growing instances of issuance and circulation of fabricated letter of the National Medical Council (NMC) has been forced to take decision to apply digital signature on all permissions, recognition and appeal orders. This is to ensure that unscrupulous elements are restricted from issuing and circulating fabricated information in the name of NMC in social media. The immediate trigger for the decision to apply digital signature is the fake clarification on the permission and renewal letter on behalf of the President/Member of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board (MARB) of the NMC to GSL Medical College, Rajahmundry; Maharajah Institute of Medical Science, Vizianagaram; Santhiram Medical College, Nandyal; Meenakshi Medical College, Kanchipuram and Santhiram Medical College, Kurnool.