New Delhi: The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) set aside the order of the Maharashtra State Consumer Redressal Commission and exonerated the Hospital and Senior Gynecologist of medical negligence case. NCRDC quashed the order of Maharashtra State Consumer Redressal Commission in 2015 holding Surlata Hospital and Dr. Sharad Gogate, Senior Gynecologist negligent and awarded Rs.20 Lakhs as compensation to the husband of the deceased. NCDRC stated in their order that the State Commission completely relied on Dr.M D Gupta who was not an expert in gynecology. NCDRC had sought the opinion of the medical board of AIIMS which was of the opinion that there was no medical negligence on the part of Gynecologist and the death of the patient was caused by a rare condition which happens during delivery and is also associated with caesarean surgery.
NCDRC exonerates Gynaec of medical negligence after 22 years
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