New Delhi: The division bench consisting of Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Manmeet Pritam Singh Arora dismissed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Dr. Namit Gupta and upheld the Delhi Medical Council’s (DMC) notice mandating that doctors who practice allopathy in the national capital must be registered with DMC. The court upheld the Delhi Medical Council’s (DMC) notice mandating that doctors who practice allopathy in the national capital must be registered with DMC and insisted necessity for doctors to be registered with the DMC, and for their registration to be validated and renewed every five years.
The petitioner, Dr. Gupta had argued that the notice would inconvenience doctors registered with medical councils in other states, necessitating dual registration or the transfer of registration to the DMC. The bench noted the public interest in DMC ensuring medical practitioners are under the regulatory oversight of the state medical council. This oversight allows for the disciplining of medical professionals who engage in misconduct.