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HomeCriminal casesPatient dies after C – Section

Patient dies after C – Section

Ahmedabad : The additional chief metropolitan magistrate, D J Parmar summoned a doctor under section 304 A of IPC while considering a case of medical negligence wherein  a patient died after c-section delivery. The magistrate has summoned Dr. Kishore Changlanj of Deep Maternity & Nursing Home in Naroda in the medical negligence case.

The case involved Sandipkumar Patel from Naroda, whose wife Bijalben was admitted to Dr Changlani’s nursing home wherein She underwent a C-section and delivered a baby boy. After the delivery her condition worsened but the doctor was not available.  Her treatment was carried out by the hospital staff which were taking instructions from the doctor on the phone. The condition of the patient deteriorated further and the family members made frantic efforts to reach the doctor but the doctor remained unreachable. When the doctor finally reached the nursing home, the patient became unresponsive and did not have a pulse.

The patient was shifted to the ICU of another hospital but was declared dead. The complainant, the patient family demanded action against the doctor for culpable homicide not amounting to murder under Section 304 of the IPC.The court ordered an inquiry and the Sardarnagar police inspector sent his opinion that after perusal of the PM report, medical papers and FSL report, no cognizable offence was made out.However, after hearing the case, additional chief metropolitan magistrate, D J Parmar said that had the doctor been available at the maternity home, such a situation would not have arisen. The court said that it is clear that the doctor had shown negligence in his duty. The hospital staff merely acted on the doctor’s instructions and therefore they are not responsible.