The Telangana Health Department has seized a total of 103 private hospitals after carrying out inspections on over 2000 private institutions, Director of Public Health G Srinivasa Rao announced on Wednesday, September 28. While a total of 2,058 private institutions were inspected across the state, 633 of them were issued notices and a fine was imposed on 75 of them, as per The Clinical Establishments (Registration And Regulation) Act. Hospitals were inspected in all districts except Medak and Nalgonda.
DPH Srinivasa Rao said that the inspections have been carried out over the past week following complaints regarding medical establishments having unqualified practitioners performing surgeries, abortions and other procedures and treatments, and endangering patients’ lives. Those private establishments, including private hospitals, clinics, consultations rooms, diagnostic centers, and non-allopathic hospitals which are not registered under The Clinical Establishments Act and operating with unqualified medical practitioners have been seized, the DPH said. He said it was found in some cases that establishments had put up a board mentioning MBBS doctors, but had Ayush or other practitioners performing procedures they weren’t qualified to do. He also said that in some cases, RMPs (Registered Medical Practitioners) who had set up first-aid centers, were actually providing allopathic treatment, and performing minor surgeries and abortions illegally.