New Delhi : Deeply concerned by the suicides of medical students the National Medical Commission (NMC) in a letter addressed to all principals and deans of all medical colleges and institutes addressed the issue of suicide, resignation and working hours of medical students. The letter informed that the NMC “has constituted an Anti- Ragging Committee with Dr. Aruna V. Vanikar, President, UGMEB as the chairperson of the committee.” The committee held its first meeting on September 27. It reviewed complaints regarding ragging that it received from medical students and their parents. It also expressed its concerns over incidents of suicide and suicidal tendency that are not always linked to ragging but in many cases, they have been. The committee has directed the colleges to submit the number of students who have committed suicide during the last 5 years; number of students who have left College/Institute during the last 5 years and details regarding the working hours and weekly off given to students.
NMC asks medical colleges to submit report on suicides by students in last five years
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