The Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court recently ruled that an employee cannot be denied medical reimbursement solely on the ground that he had undergone treatment in a specialty hospital by himself which was not at all recognized or approved by the State or not included in the Government order.The observations were made by Justice Wasim Sadiq Nargal in a plea wherein the petitioner had sought a writ of mandamus commanding upon the respondents to settle down their medical claims in respect of the treatment provided to the deceased-husband of the lead Petitioner.
Allowing the petition filed by the wife of deceased the court directed the respondents, the Government owned BSNL, to process the medical bills of the deceased, an employee of BSNL, and release the same in favor of the petitioners within a period of two months from the date the copy of this order is served upon respondents.
J & K & L HC : Medical claim cannot be denied just because hospital not recognised in Government Order
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