Mob attacks neurosurgeon in Lucknow

Lucknow: A neurosurgeon was attacked by the relatives of deceased patient at Ignis Hospital in Gomti Nagar. The neurosurgeon who has been assaulted and...
HomeHealth NewsGovernment doctors in Bihar challenge lateral entry

Government doctors in Bihar challenge lateral entry

Patna : The Bihar government’s decision to appoint faculties in super specialty departments of its medical college hospitals through lateral entry on the basis of an open advertisement will have to stand legal scrutiny, as a section of government doctors, not promoted for over a decade, have decided to challenge the advertisement in court, said the aggrieved doctors.

The doctors, who have been stagnating as assistant professors since their joining in 2012 and 2019, contend that any new lateral entry at senior positions, like associate professor and professor, will affect their career progression. The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) on January 6 advertised 25 positions of professor and 36 of associate professor.